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Stylist management
You can add co-worker’s account to my salon for sharing and changing sales and schedule.
Salon profile
You can set salon’s name, address, business time and number that displayed on the stylist’s home.
Stylist profile
You can set stylist’s name, photo, and number that displayed on the stylist’s home.
Service & discount menu
You can make salon's service & discount menu and apply to checkout.
Service, tip and tax management
You can set percentage of points about cash and credit card. When you do checkout, you can use this.
You can set whether use tip system or not.
You can manage tax list be applied to checkout.
* This feature will be supported later for Android.
Service time calculating
Service time means overlapping service time when you do more than 2 services like shampoo, dry or etc. If you set service time, when you do more than 2 services, this time is subtracted and do calculating.
Online booking setting
You can set detail settings about online booking managing like online booking possible time, reservation on the very day, reservation cancellation.